The Library

The Club Library is entered through the Churchill Bar on the ground floor. It was started in 2002 following a very large donation of books by the aviation artist Frank Wootton. The collection has steadily grown and there are now almost 3500 books related to aviation and the story of the Royal Air Force from the First World War to the present day.

The library is managed by a small team of volunteers who are normally present on Wednesdays from 11.00 am until 3.00 pm. They will be happy to show you around the library, explain its workings and demonstrate the borrowing procedure.

To contact the Librarians, please email

The Catalogue

The catalogue is directly accessible online or on the two Apple computers in the Library. Searching is simple, instructions are included and are set out on the computer desks.

The books are arranged in broad categories, including Aircraft, Commands, Squadrons, Operational Techniques and Campaigns, include books on the two world wars, the Suez Crisis, the Cold War, Vietnam, Korea, the Falklands, the Gulf War, Afghanistan and Libya, to mention but a few. There is also a large collection of biographies and memoirs and a new section containing lighter reading and fiction.

For those who prefer to browse the shelves, there are diagrams showing the locations of the various categories on the computer desks and by the door to the Churchill Bar.

Download the Catalogue

Using the Library

Procedure for borrowing books

Members are welcome to borrow books at any time. Simply fill in a Loan Sheet (to be found on the librarian’s desk) and place it in the box provided. Books should be returned within a month.

When returning books by hand, please remember to return them to Reception, not the Library. The librarians will collect and re-shelve them when on duty. If you are not revisiting the Club, please return books by post.

Members staying at the Club
You may borrow books to read in your room. No loan form is needed – simply return the books to Reception.

New additions to the Library
If you would like to suggest a book for purchase or have a query, please email in the first instance 
Whilst the Library team welcome offers of donations, please do not send books until the librarians have confirmed that they do not duplicate works already in the library.

Download the Categories

Library News - Winter 2024/2025

All the books in the catalogue are listed on the two Apple computers at the far end of the library. They also contain a facility to search for a book either by its title or by the author’s name.

Recent additions to the stock include:

H1 SMI 3710 - Plotting a Course - The Memoirs of  J.U.M. Smith. RAF 1951 then NAS - Maplin, Foulness and Stansted, by Jim Smith

K2 O’BR 3714 - Raising a Glass to the Churchill Arms - The story of Gerry O’Brien, landlord for 32 years of The Churchill Arms in Camden Street Kensington, by Tim O’Brien

H1 CHA 3715 - A Flash of Silver - An Engineer with Wings in the Cold War. Helicopter and fixed wing pilot who served at  Farnborough, Ternhill, Coltishall, Syerston & Laarbruch by Mike Champion

H1 STR 3717 - Flying High: From Air Cadet to Test Pilot & Glider Champion. RAF 1956 -1985 -Some time Squadron Commander at Boscombe Down. As a test pilot he flew aircraft with one, two, three, four or six engines, by Ian Strachan

H1 WAT 3716 - The RAF’s Youngest Bomber Pilot of WW 2 (Slade) - By the age of 19 Slade had undertaken 59 missions in Wellingtons and as a Pathfinder in Lancasters before being shot down over Berlin in August 1943, by Graham Waterton

B4 3718 - Allies in Air Power - A History of Multi-National Air Operations. A comprehensive review covering the period 1917 - 2018, by Steven Paget (Ed)